Thursday, August 20, 2009

All About Hellstromism

While perhaps not an encyclopedia of the phenomenon known as Hellstromism (among other things), here is some information for those who might want it.

Axel Hellstrom - Did so well with this skill that it is now sometimes known as Hellstromism. [Wikipedia] [Answers.Com]
Robert Alan Nelson (16 Nov. 1901- 21 Feb. 1973) - Prolific mentalist, apparently learned from Axel Hellstrom. [GeniiMagazine] []

I'm currently reading a book by Erik Hanussen. This book has an introduction by Banachek, and Banacheck also has a video and book on Hellstromism. An incredible biography can be found here, though taken from a book by Paul Tabori.

Hanussen: Hitler's Jewish Clairvoyant
Tabori, Paul. Companions of the Unseen. London:H.A. Humphrey Ltd., 1968